Stuart N. Rutchik
President of BestStar USA Inc, (Holding), responsible for all North American activities
Stu is the primary contact person for BESTSTAR HOLDING Pte, Ltd in terms of the day-to-day organizational functions. With more than 40 years in organization management, he has been directly involved with the development of business entities in various industries including life sciences, security systems integration, real estate development, manufacturing, and construction.
Each of his experiences utilized skills to design, implement and manage strategies for sales development, capital formation, management development, creative marketing, and business planning. These valuable core competencies provide common sense knowledge and an out of the box perspective for problem solving, maintaining organization focus and managing the critical timeliness of activity, while the other members of the management team concurrently pursue their functional priorities.
His priorities will include organization management, budgeting, contract negotiations, and development of an appropriately sized infrastructure to address needs for operations. Additionally, Mr. Rutchik has been responsible for initiating, designing and executing sales & marketing programs that resulted in a 350+% growth in sales for a regional security systems integrator; economic/industrial development programs that generated 1000s of new jobs and millions of dollars in new business investment in the Washington, DC metropolitan area and in Fairfield County, Connecticut; and, profitable revenues, including international sales contracts, for a life sciences technology business.
Mr. Rutchik has served well as a creative strategist, whose extensive experience and background provide a pragmatic approach to further the development and growth of organizations, including the innovation of new products and services. His education includes Bachelor of Arts and Master of Public Administration, Organization Development, from The American University. Mr. Rutchik’s career has included positions in leadership with Chambers of Commerce and Rotary International where he has been a member for more than 35 years. Stu is a dedicated community leader with interests in sustainability, economic development, education, youth, workforce initiatives and general philanthropy.